Monday, July 29, 2024


I found two mountains today. 

The first is this ant hill inside a cinder block. Look at all of those eggs! 

The duck pond had been resting on top of that block. G and I noticed a hoard of mosquito larvae growing in the pond, and thus emptied it immediately. 🤢 

It was too heavy to simply dump it out, so we created a siphon using one of our garden hoses. Pretty soon a trickle of water turned into a steady stream. G had the idea to fill a pond inside the trampoline for the ducks, and as you can see, the ducks adored it. At one point five of the six swam at once. 

My second mountain is kale from the garden. I just trimmed the big leaves on the outside of the plant. I'm hoping I left enough that the plant will continue to produce. The kale was stacked almost to the top of the basket! 1ft high, 1.5ft wide, 1ft across. Kale chips, here I come!

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