Saturday, July 27, 2024

Over the Fence

I looked into the pasture one afternoon to find four blond heads peeping over the fence. Our neighbor's grandkids I presumed. I invited them to come over to our side so they could actually go into the pasture. 

Their heads disappeared and after a long moment they came around, quickly getting distracted by the chickens and ducks. 

The oldest girl introduced herself to me as our neighbor's niece, here from Missouri all week. The two littlest must be her siblings. I showed them all how to get into the goat pasture and told them about Mopsy's kittens in the shed. Eyes lit up and they scampered off. 

"The goats love treats, so if you have any veggie or fruit scraps, you can bring those to feed them if you want." The youngest girl thought that was a great idea and soon she was back with a plastic carton of mushy grapes and whole strawberries. We paused at the chicken trampoline to give them a few treats. 

Her parents meandered over a few minutes later, I'm sure curious what their kids were up to. 

The goats were huge fans of the berries. One kid even got Fritz to eat from his hand, although he said that was the goat he always fed through the back of the fence (he's a grandkid that visits our neighbor often). Svetlana ate from hands through the fence. They were going to get more treats, but I heard someone over the fence call that it was time for cake, and the crowd quickly dispersed.

Man, these goats are going to be lonely after all the attention they've been getting!

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