Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Frigid and Frosty

I neglected to write yesterday since I was in such a rush to get my lessons done so I could go home!  We had some freezing rain/sleet and the roads were a bit slick.  Not as bad as our northern neighbors!  We still had school and didn't get to go home early.  Not even a two hour delay.  Unfortunately, the idea has entered my students' minds so any time they see a little snow or a little blowing, their minds immediately go to "is school going to be called off???"  Dream on, it's only November.

Yesterday, my sister Eileen came for a visit.  She talked to the class about how to make a story more interesting and "being mean" to the characters.  My kids liked the part of "The Reluctant Dragon" she read aloud.  There were a number of requests for her to send us the rest of the story so we can hear what happens.  They were very sad when she left before lunchtime.  Oh well.  Maybe she'll come back another day!

Speaking of our NaNo stories... my kids are writing up a storm!  Two of them hit 5,000 today.  They said their goal is to get to 10,000 words by the end of November.  At least four other students hit the 2,000 mark today.  And then I have one student who has only written 200 words and then couldn't think of anything to write.  So he's scrapping his story and is now writing about our class pet Joe and how he controls the weather with a secret button at the bottom of his tank (that's why he buries himself under the soil when a storm is coming).  Should be an interesting story.

My voice is slowly coming back.  It's been hurting on and off all day and I've had one of those annoying coughs you get when your throat feels tickly, but when you cough nothing happens.  So I'll continue to rest and pray that it doesn't last too much longer.

Tomorrow night I have pottery class and a PTL meeting at about the same time.  Lovely.  Only two pottery classes left and I still have a bunch of things to make!  My plan is to go to PTL for a half an hour and then duck out to be a little late to pottery.  Somehow I need to squeeze my library visit in there.  I'm not planning to check anything out, what with NaNo sucking up all my time, but I do have movies that I'll get a fine on if they're not back on Wednesday.  Maybe a drive-by drop-off is the best option.

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