Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Ringing Any Bells?

As I speak, er, write, my sore throat is becoming a lost voice.  My voice has lowered at least one octave and it's starting to fade in and out.  Good thing there are only two more days of school this week!

Another semi-normal day today.  Our new student is still figuring out the ropes.  Today we threw him into handbells.  He's taken piano lessons before, so reading music wasn't new to him.  We've been working on songs to play in church in November which means I didn't have a part picked out for him.  Instead, I took one of my struggling players' bells and let him do it.  This way each kid has one bell (easier to follow the music) and they still get to play.

Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow.  I have everything pretty much ready to go.  I suppose we should clean out the coatroom, or at least tidy it up a bit.  Something for my kids to do tomorrow morning.

A ton of them said their memory work this morning!  Granted, I told them they had to say it all before they could work on their NaNo stories.  Speaking of NaNo, I had a couple students break 1,000 words today.  They were really excited when I told them they'd get a prize.  Five out of thirteen students wanted me to email their stories home so they could work on them outside school.  Fine by me.  I wonder how many will actually work on them.  A couple of the girls said they're raising their word goal to 5,000 or 10,000.  It's totally doable since they're at 1,000 and it's only the first week.  I'm curious to see if their enthusiasm continues.

Well, I'm signing off again.  Pottery and library trip are on the docket for tonight.  I'm at 6,400 words in my NaNo, supposed to be at 8,333 today.  I had been hoping to work on that before pottery tonight, but our staff meeting went long.  Oh well.  I'll carve out some time somewhere.

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