Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Mock Election

Our mock election was a success! It seemed like the other grades/teachers had fun voting... we even had a walk in visitor who voted (one of the class helpers stopped in to say hello and we recruited her to vote).  One kid went home sick today and didn't vote before he left.  Mr. E is the only other one who didn't vote; he was at a principal's meeting all afternoon.  I think I can catch him in his room now...

We need him to vote because it's a tie for favorite ice cream flavor: 23 chocolate, 23 vanilla.  There were 8 write-in votes: 5 cookie dough, 2 cookies and cream, 1 mint chip.  The presidential election for our school was a landslide: 42 Trump, 5 Clinton.  Again, we had 8 write-in votes: 4 Deez nuts, 1 Jill Stein, 1 Mom, 1 Gary Johnson, 1 Darrell Castle. Our results will be announced to the students tomorrow after chapel.

I'm going to keep this short since I want to get out of school early and vote!  I also have a check to drop off at the bank for my class, but the bank closes at 3:30... better get moving!

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