Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Caswell Softball Day. Even though the forecast was 86 and clear, the entire morning was rainy.  Still, we played ball.  The kids were super excited to play in the rain. Most were entirely happy to get soaking wet.  After a game and a half, the guy in charge postponed the games for ten minutes (it looked clearer to the west), and the rain did slow down after the 10 minutes.  We won our first two games (the only games we played in the morning), then had a break until the tournament started at 12:15. I sat in my car to dry off, ate lunch, and finished reading a book.  It was lovely.

I didn't have nearly as many kids in my car as I thought... two of them found rides with funner people. ;)  One kid didn't show up at school ever.  So I only had one person in my car.  I dropped him off at home afterwards (he lives in Nicollet so it was only a little out of the way).

We did very well in the tournament. And although our team played pretty sloppy, we won both and took home a 1st place trophy!  The only negative thing about the day was a passive aggressive parent at the end when we took a team picture.  On Sunday, I had send a bunch of Remind messages to parents about upcoming field trips, due dates, school stuff, etc. Apparently, this mom did not like getting so many messages on Mother's Day.  She didn't say this to my face though. She said it to another parent (very loudly, making sure I was in earshot). She also complained that since I send them Sunday night, what are they supposed to do about them? She thought they should be sent on Thursday or something.  Grr... Thankfully, the other parent didn't chime in on the badmouthing. He just said, "Well, there's only three days left."  True, very true.

When I got back to school we had 'clean out the shed' time.  Only one parent showed up to help, but it was a parent who loves being organized and is fun to be around, so we had a good time.  We took pretty much everything out of the shed. Tomorrow's crew will clean the floor/shelves out there, put everything in totes (today's parent is buying tonight), and stick them back in the shed.  We marked a bunch of stuff to get tossed in the dumpster, so there will be much more room for things, hopefully making it more organized in there.  Only one mouse was spotted the entire time.  We cleaned with the door to the gym open, so now a whole bunch of flies are buzzing around my room.  Looks like the boys have fly smashing duty tomorrow morning!

Tomorrow's balloon activity: read aloud all morning.

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