Tuesday, April 2, 2019


We made another change to the classroom today. Someone had the idea to slide the long, short bookshelf down a ways so it's further under the whiteboards, leaving room to move the short 'new/featured' books bookshelf next to it. That gives us extra space to hopefully add a comfy chair or even a little couch! I put a note in the bulletin asking if anyone wanted to donate one. We'll see what happens.

We had another thought about how to streamline lunch count (we meaning Mrs. L and me). It always takes forever to get everyone quiet, then have someone read what's for lunch, then have them raise their hands if they're having cold lunch, then chef salads, then seconds. Our idea is to have little magnetic cups stuck to the board with labels for hot, cold, and chef. Students can stick their name stick in the cup they want. The helper of the day can write it on the slip and bring it down, even before school starts! I'm going to the store to buy the cups today.

Another in-the-works thing is getting new shades for my classroom. The ones we have break all the time (they're the standard rolling up ones, no cords). I want the kind called cellular shades that don't have any cords, but you can raise and lower them by shoving or pulling the direction you want to go. Mr. E and I looked after school and found some that should work. The trustees will install them when they arrive! We ordered enough for two of my windows. The third window I hardly ever use the shade and the fourth window I never do, so it's not necessary to outfit them with new shades. Hopefully these live up to my expectations!

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