Thursday, April 25, 2019

Edible Book Festival

I'd say that event was a hit! We had one person drop out this morning and three more brought theirs without filling out a form ahead of time. The hardest part was making sure there was enough room for everything on the tables. I must've shuffled things around over twenty times! But, in the end the tables looked nice. There was a good variety of items: cakes, cookies, bread, baklava, fruit, veggies, and even some lemonade. Mrs. L made a better recipe of Freckle Juice! One family made a turkey out of a watermelon (body), fruit skewers (tail), and a half a pear (head). That one won best over all.

My punny ideas were well received: Olive R Twist and Game of Scones. A bunch of girls in my class made some cakes based on the covers of the books they've been reading. One family did veggie plates in the shape of Sesame Street characters' heads.

Instead of having guest judges, I let everyone vote for every category. It took a while to tally the votes, but everyone had fun voting for their favorites in each category! It sounds like people are interested in doing it again. I might change what time of year we do it in, possibly in the fall with Family Write Night. We'll see what other people think.

Now, I've been at school long enough. I'm headed home!

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