Friday, April 5, 2019

Talking To

Yesterday the 7-8th graders were horrible. Today Mr. E came down before class started to give them a major lecture. It worked! They were totally silent for the first half of class... it was weird.

He told them that whenever I give them sentences, they also have to do some for him: multiply the number I give them by 10. So if I give them 5, they have to do 50 for Mr. E. If I give 10, they do 100 more for him. Yikes. I hope that solves the problem.

We spent a lot of time on Mystery Class today. The due date is April 15th, so we have about a week to find our 10 mystery locations. The girls in my class did awesome and have narrowed down the search for a bunch of places. They know most of the countries now. The boys are having a little harder time, but they're doing okay. My rule is 5th graders have to find 5 locations, 6th graders 6, 7th 7, 8th 8. The rest they find are extra credit.

Don't tell them, but this year (due to budget cuts) is a repeat Mystery Class. Some of the clues are very familiar and I remember the countries they were located in. I don't remember how long ago it was, but I think some of the 7th and 8th graders maybe did this set when they were in my class. I wish they would've picked an older set. Oh well. Hopefully we'll have new ones next year!

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