Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Today was a mediocre day. No meltdowns, better than yesterday, but the boys were still hard to focus. We're in crunch mode since the end of the quarter is Friday. It's tricky because a big storm with lots of snow and lots of wind is supposed to roll in Friday sometime. Great.

This morning all my kids wanted to talk about was what percent chance I thought we have of whether we'll have school Friday or not.

"100% chance of school Friday."
"What?! But what about all the snow?"
"But Friday isn't here and it's Minnesota. A lot can change before now and then. Ask me Thursday after school."

My current prediction is that we'll come to school but get to come home early. It's pretty blustery today (not a surprise since we've had moderately cold temps but a really cold spell is moving in). Mr. E got worried about the roads so he had combined basketball practice so the kids could go home a little earlier. That was all well and good, except my kiddos couldn't do all their homework/memory work they planned to during basketball study hall. Hmm... hopefully they're using their time wisely tonight (and will use their Daily 5 rounds wisely tomorrow).

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