Tuesday, December 8, 2020


Whew! I've made a lot of phone calls today... 

For a virtual Christmas program that isn't supposed to take too much work, it's been a bit complicated. First there were a few back and forth calls with the 8th grade girls who had come up with a plan to do their Christmas parts together. Then there was a talk with Mrs. L to see what she thought about having two families get filmed together. After that was a call/text to the 8th graders' parents to fill them in on what the plan is. (Long story short: the families are doing separate parts and keeping the original parts they signed up for).

Then I sent out a message to parents who hadn't signed up for a video time, followed by a message to all the Christmas program part families telling them to dress up for their video (and that they don't have to wear masks while filming). Only one family hasn't signed up for a time yet, and they live far away, so I called the videographer to see if she'd film them after church instead of Monday or Tuesday night. We played phone tag, but she eventually said yes. Now I'm just waiting to hear from the family if that's what they'd like to do. 

And then there were a few messages from parents asking me to send them the 'official' Bible verses for the program parts, since sometimes the words are different depending on the translation. 

Okay! I think we have everything figured out that we need to!

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