Monday, December 7, 2020


The Courtland sign-up lagginess has struck again. Today was the last day to sign up for Christmas program speaking parts. Two families waited until yesterday to sign up, except there was only one more part left. Since the two families had 8th graders, they really, really, really wanted speaking parts. So... Mrs. L and I finagled it (mostly Mrs. L... she contacted the two families who had signed up for two parts, one per kid, and asked if they'd do one part as a family... they said yes), and now there are two more parts up for grabs. 

Meanwhile, the two 8th graders decided to do the part together. So I sent them both a message on Teams saying I have a part up for grabs; they could split apart and have their own. Neither has commented, so I might have to wait until tomorrow to answer that question. That leaves one part open. A parent messaged me this morning asking if they have to sign up for a time to be videoed. Yes. Except, her family hadn't signed up for anything. When I asked if she wanted her son to have a part, she said she was trying to convince him... 

The other lagginess of the day was the internet. MAJOR slowness. Even my desktop computer glitched out and froze. The pair of students who were supposed to present their projects today did, but it was pretty painful to watch. 

The one student whose internet was so slow on Friday had the same issues today. It was so laggy, we decided the two presenters could present to me and I'd record it for the class to watch, hoping fewer people on the call would let the internet work better for him. 

Nope. That didn't help. He'd leave the call (or get kicked out), it would show he was muted but really he wasn't, and he couldn't hear anything we said to him because it glitched all the time. His partner kept wanting to say the parts of the presentation he was supposed to say, but I made her wait because he needed to do some of the work too. Ugh. It took 40 minutes to do something that normally would've taken 10. The joys of technology!

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