Friday, December 11, 2020

Is it huggable?

My kids convinced me to play the Adjective Game during virtual school today. I used the 'create a room' feature on Teams for the first time and it worked really well! You can pick students to go into a separate call where they can discuss/work, then call them back to the main call. I can pop in and out of rooms, and the rooms can have their own chats. 

As per usual with this group of students, reading off the adjectives got pretty heated... and hilarious. To refresh your memory on how to play, students are given an object to describe (in this case, a clear plastic cup). They write down as many adjectives as they can, then read them aloud. If the other team has the same word, no one gets the points. If the other team doesn't have the word (and the adjective actually describes the object), they get a point.

Here are snippets from the reading of the adjective list:

Team 1: Itty bitty.
Me: Nope, I’d say a Barbie cup would be itty bitty, not this one.
Team 1: Okay, how about small?
Me: Sure.

Team 1: Big.
Me and Team 2: Uh...
Team 1: Compared to a Barbie cup it’s big!

Team 1: Huggable.
Team 2: We've been over this! We did this last time with the badminton racket! It's not huggable! Don't you remember? We asked Mr. E and he said it's huggable but that's not what you associate with it! So that one doesn't count.
Team 1: But technically it is! You wouldn't give it to us with water...
Team 2: Because you can't hug water!
Team 1: But you can hug this cup!
Pause of silence.
Team 1: If it's the only thing in my house and I want to hug something, I'm gonna hug it!
Team 1: It's not about if you want to, it's just if you can!

We gave them the point.

Team 1: Scrapeable...
Team 2: How is it scrapeable!!!
Team 1: Okay, not that one. Kissable.
Team 2 (reluctantly): I suppose.
Team 1: Like I said, if it’s the only thing in my house and I want to kiss something…
Team 1: Lickable.
Team 2 (very begrudgingly): I suppose.

The whole time they were arguing, I just kept thinking of their parents listening in on class... 😂 What on earth do you suppose they thought we were learning??? 

Surprisingly, the game ended very close. Team 1: 20pts, Team 2: 21pts!

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