Monday, February 22, 2021


The kids were very exuberant today, and I was... less so. I stayed up late correcting my papers and getting midterms finished. Youth group went tubing yesterday afternoon, which was fun, but sucked away my afternoon. 

We started our new physics science book today. The kids tried to convince me we should do social studies all week since our big project is due Friday. Ha. No. Good try. 

Joe was scritch scratching this afternoon, so we let him wander the room while we played tone chimes. We left him out while we were at recess, and one of the 5th graders build a 'cage' for him in the lab area so he wouldn't escape while we were gone. He escaped. The cage was a few stools he could crawl between so it wasn't very secure. Thankfully, I shut the door behind us, so he didn't even have a chance of leaving the room. 

He's now happily eating his lettuce and seems a bit calmer after his walk. Hopefully my kids will be calmer tomorrow! Half of them forgot their snow gear even though last week I told them we'd be going outside for every recess. It's pretty sloppy/melty out, so we had both recesses in the gym so they wouldn't be soaked for the bus ride home. 

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