Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Half Day

All is peaceful and quiet in my classroom this afternoon... the kids got sent home at 11:30 again today for our second half day of the month. 

After I wrap up at school, I'll be working at the ReStore to earn more hours towards my sweat equity on my Habitat house. My USDA loan has been submitted, and now we wait to hear how much they'll approve for me. Then work can begin on designing my house!

Our day at school was pretty slow. We did two Daily 5 rounds this morning before chapel and I met with my Wednesday students to talk about their books. Chapel was at church; it was windy on the way there and back. We practiced a song we'll record to show at a future Lenten service. The rest of the morning was spent reading aloud our latest book War Stories by Gordon Korman. My class is making so many connections to this book. A lot of our grandparents have served in the military and because there are lots of other war books and movies out there, most of my kids are familiar with some of the WWII technology. 

Today's chapters took place on Omaha Beach/Normandy for the D-Day invasion. The author's descriptions of the battle really struck home and made us think about how terrible war really is. It made me think about all our soldiers, still off fighting wars or preparing to fight future wars. It reminds me I should pray for our military more often...

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