Tuesday, February 23, 2021


The 5-6th graders have been focusing on playing Holy Holy Holy on the tone chimes and today was filming day. The video will play at tomorrow night's Lenten service. It took a little extra time for set-up because the camera had to be positioned 'just so' to get all my students in frame. 

First, I tried using my iPod, but the sound quality was very shaky and tinny. Then, I tried the class iPad. It zoomed way in on them and I couldn't back it up, so I was going to make them shuffle their desks around so the camera would see them all. But my kids said we should play the song through once as a sound test, just in case the sound wasn't better; then they wouldn't have to reshuffle their desks. Aren't they smart?

I'm glad we did, because the sound was much better quality and the frame widened out when I played the video back. So they didn't have to move again after all! The video turned out great, with just a few oopses. I sent it off to our AV coordinator and she'll add it to the church screens for tomorrow!

Since filming cut into their recess time (and it's so nice today... 40s!), we stayed outside longer than our normal time. The kindergarteners wanted the side we were on when they came out for their normal recess, so we swapped sides and moved to the big hill. 

We ended up skipping science/social studies today. One of the 5th graders said, "Besides, being outside is like science time!"
"Well, snow is made of molecules, and when you put the molecules together, you get bigger snow molecules and those make piles of ice and snow!" 

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