Friday, February 19, 2021

Finally Friday

Boy, for a short week, this week seemed long! 

Today was a catchup day. It's midterms, which means we only have one and a half quarters left of the school year. Wow. Hard to believe. It's been basically a year since the whole corona virus thing started. Also hard to believe. 

My kids turned in everything they needed to today! Instead of playing an English game, I gave them time to memorize their memory work, finish their Invention report, or play games if they had finished everything else. 

For science this afternoon, instead of discussing a random topic they want to learn about, we had a bit of extra recess, followed by calculating the mining company grand totals from yesterday (boys won), followed by the wrapping up of our chemistry book. Next week we start physics!

The best surprise of the day was not exactly a surprise. I had told my 5-6th graders we'd do tone chimes when I came back from class with the 7-8th graders. They should get everything set up and pick a song to start with. If they wanted, they could try directing themselves. So, I walked through the door to find them playing the song we're going to film for church next week. They'd already played it a few times and were each taking turns counting the measures. What a great group of kids I have! 

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