Thursday, May 5, 2022

12- Drink Gatorade or Juice

Holy cow the younger kids were crazy today at musical practice! I'm watching them at latchkey now and they're just as crazy. Good thing the rain stopped and water dried up so we could be outside. They're having a ball playing house while I correct papers. Not a bad arrangement. Thursdays aren't my normal days, but I'm covering for Mrs. L who had an appointment at noon today. 

Program practice was rough. They didn't sing loud on the songs; their brains were elsewhere. The main cast forgot their lines and needed cue after cue. I'm hoping tomorrow will go better. It has to since we perform tomorrow night! Mrs. L will be there (and Mr. E), which will help. Somehow Mrs. L always gets them to sing louder than anyone else can! 

One the plus side, the costumes look good! My robot costume came in the mail today at lunchtime and this one actually fits! We're using the robot head from the too small size costume since the one that came today could fit two 8th grade heads inside. 

The 5-6th grade did not accomplish much lesson-wise today. The Gideon's passed out bibles to the 5-8th grade and Pastor asked them to talk for a while... They talked for a half an hour... Then we had reading/writing buddies with the 1-2nd graders. That was awesome. Watching my kids give feedback to the younger ones was heartwarming! And the 1-2nd graders shared their book report shirts with us too. Very cute. 

Miss H taught the 7-8th graders for the second and last time. It went better than the first time, classroom management-wise, and she got them going on a really good discussion about the philosophers of the British Enlightenment period. Surprisingly, of all the kids in the school, they were not that crazy (until we got to musical practice of course 🙄). 

To end on a high note, one of my dear college friends stopped by to give the 3-4th graders poetry books from the United Way! She popped into my classroom on her way out to see Joe and say hi. 

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