Friday, April 14, 2023

Sweet Mud

My favorite part of the day happened in afternoon recess. Pretty much the entire school (minus the 3-4th graders) were outside at recess together. The snow had all melted inside the gaga ball pit, so kindergarteners up through sixth grade played a gigantic game. 

Even though the snow had melted, the pit is in the shade of the trees, so it takes forever to dry out. A grimy patch of ice lingered in one section, but that didn't stop our kiddos from playing. 

Mud everywhere. 

Dirty hands, dirty shoes, dirty ball, dirty legs. 

One kindergartener said (about a 5th grade boy with dirt streaked all over), "Mrs. H, do you even recognize those legs?!" 

They didn't care. They were having a blast! The last game of the day came down to one kindergarten girl and two 5th grade boys. They whispered to each other, nodded, and said, "Let's do our secret plan." They then proceeded to get themselves out so she could win. So sweet! 

On the walk inside I suggested they trudge through the little bits of remaining snow to attempt to clean off their shoes. A 5th grader swished his hands in the snow turning the mud into 'chocolate' (as he described it). Two of them packed up for the end of the day in their sock feet because their shoes were too dirty to wear inside, even after wiping them in snow! In the classroom examining their filthy attire one boy said, "It's so fun playing in mud in the moment. You never regret it until after you're done." Wise words.

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