Friday, November 22, 2013

Matchmaker, matchmaker...

Oh those 4th grade boys are at it again...

Mr. D stopped me in the hall today to tell me a story about a few of the boys in his class.  One of them told Mr. D that he thought Mr. D and I would make a good couple.  Mr. D explained to this student that I was half his age and young enough to be his daughter.  Then he added that my dad is only a few years older than he was.  So it wasn't going to happen.  They thought about that for a little while and another kid added, "Yeah, she likes International tractors and you like John Deere.  It would never work out."  I've discovered in my limited amount of experience that for some reason, kids have a hard time seeing their teachers unmarried.  They just don't like it at all.

In other news, we had a really good day, behavior-wise.  I don't think any of the 5th graders had homework.  Since we only have two days next week, there is no spelling or handwriting or memory.  Everyone was excited about that.

The 7th and 8th graders took their test with time to spare, so we played the flyswatter game United States style.  I had an unlabeled map of the US on the board and teams would go head-to-head to tap the correct state after I said its name.  We really need to do this game more often.  They have no clue which states are which. 

One of the ladies of the Immanuel-lites stopped by our classroom this morning to say thanks for presenting.  My kids all wanted to know why she was there.  Then that brought up the whole story of "Oh I wanted to come but I forgot to ask my mom so we didn't go and could we sometime look at the pictures you took and could we maybe do it today?" 

We played a rousing game of SNAKE (or, as we like to play, BRAVES) during recess.  We ended our day by practicing a few songs for the Christmas program.  I can't believe that when we come back from Thanksgiving break, it will be December!  And then it will be only three weeks of school until Christmas.  Wow!

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