Tuesday, November 19, 2013

One down

A parent called me last night to tell me that her daughter was throwing up.  She actually started laughing while telling me the story because the student had been doing her math homework when her mom saw the "I'm about to throw up" face.  She quick hustled her to the bathroom saying, "Don't throw up on the homework!"  It had taken such an effort to do her math the first time, she would've had to do it all over if she'd have gotten sick on her homework.  Thankfully her homework was safe.

We needed to let Mr. E know so he could tell our para not to come to school today.  I thought he was going to take care of it, but she showed up at school this morning, bright and early.  She ended up going home.  Her sudden day off was actually a blessing in disguise.  She told me her heater wasn't working in her apartment, so now she could be around when they came to fix it. 

Hopefully the student will be back in school tomorrow.  It was very strange only having three kids today.  It was a lot quieter but they got distracted more easily, probably because it seemed like a fun day with only three.  But we did a lot of learning today!  The coolest thing was playing the Jamestown colonist simulator.  We got to make choices about where to start our colony and then the program gave us a score at the end.  The 5th graders wanted to do it over and over again!  One of them got fired.  Another got promoted to governor.  It just depended on the choices they made.

One of the 7th graders popped in to ask a question about a worksheet.  When he saw what we were doing, he asked, "How come we didn't get to do that last year?"  Well I hadn't found it last year!  And just now I remembered we learned MN history that year.  I didn't teach them American History. 

I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week.  Everyone at school is ready for a break: students and teachers.  We only have five more days of school until break!  Yay!

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