Friday, February 14, 2014

Packin' It Up

My classroom is covered in blue sheets.  Actually, they're the fabric that covers the foam when the upper grades play hand bells.  But hey, why not use them to keep out nosy basketball players?  We only had a half day of school today because of our home basketball tournament.  My room is being used as a girls' locker room, so all the things needed to be put away (so they don't walk away Friday or Saturday).  My kids dusted and sprayed and wiped down pretty much everything: computers, bookshelves, whiteboards.  I picked up all the loose things and tucked them away.  All that's left is to grab Joe and finish covering my desk. 

It's been interesting maneuvering around my classroom.  We have student desks blocking the entrance to the closet.  There are some plugging the hole between my desk and the wall; I have to move one every time I want to go in or out.  And we used Ms. Jones's desk to keep people away from the beanbags.  Hmm, maybe I should throw a sheet over them too, just in case. 

Surprisingly, there wasn't a whole lot to move around.  I hope this means there won't be a lot to move back, since I'll be doing that by myself on Monday.  Maybe the parents will move the desks back when they do their final clean-up after the tournament.  I suppose I'll just have to be surprised!

Our Valentine's party seemed a bit shoddy.  We had a normal morning of class.  Valentine's cookies were frosted and consumed during snack.  The 5th graders bustled around cleaning while I read aloud this morning (At their request; I didn't force them to clean.).  At 11, instead of doing English, we passed out our valentines and then played Telephone Pictionary.  It didn't go as well as planned.  They had some trouble figuring out how to do it.  Plus Valentine's Day is a pretty tricky holiday to come up with phrases. 

The 8th grade girls kept poking their heads into our room to ask me about doing a pep fest.  I don't know why I'm suddenly the expert on pep fests (perhaps because I'm the cheerleading coach?), but I was charged with deciding if we'd do one or not.  I didn't really want to, so I asked what Mr. E said.  He had told them to ask me.  So I told the girls to go ask the other teachers and then come back and tell me.  Well, they never came back so I assumed we weren't having one.  Pretty soon Mr. E comes in and asks what the plan is.  We decided we weren't going to have one.  A few minutes later, the girls came back in and asked if we could have a pep fest.  Then they tried to convince me to let them do it anyway because "the other teachers all said yes, we forgot to tell you before, and now they're all working on a cheer."  Sigh.  I have a feeling they were twisting the truth a little.  Regardless of that, we ended up doing a slapped together pep fest the last 10 minutes before everyone went home.  In the future, I think notice of a pep fest should be given at least 24 hours in advance so it can be properly planned. 

And now, I suppose I should finish up tidying my room and then go home to eat lunch.  The first game is at 3.  The boys are playing.  The girls play right after.

Oh!  That reminds me!  Last night after the basketball games, as I left my classroom I saw a note written on the whiteboard, "Drive safe, Miss Heintz! Love, [the student] nice cursive?" (she had written the note in cursive).  It's things like these that make me glad to be a teacher. :)

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