Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Worn Out!

Man, am I ready for Friday.  I keep thinking today is Thursday.  Still two days to go.  Bummer.

It's been go, go, go all week.  My kids have been complaining of sore-throats, coughs, and stomachs that don't feel well.  They usually end up being all right, but I wonder when I'm going to pick something up from them... Oops.  I just realized...

For science today, we used oreos to show the phases of the moon.  None of the 5th graders wanted to eat the top part of the cookie that didn't have frosting, so they all gave theirs to me.  It's not like they slobbered on them or anything!  I ate some.  Now, thinking back on it, that probably wasn't the best idea.  Hmm.  To eat or not to eat?  There's still a plate of them lingering on my desk.  Well, I suppose I've already been exposed to their germs... what's a few more?  Eh, better safe than sorry.  Maybe the ones I ate weren't exposed to the germs.  Oh what a conflict!

The 2nd graders are practicing telling time.  Sigh.  Two of them totally get it and are awesome at time.  The other three drag their feet and whine about everything and say that their answer is correct even though it is actually wrong... it's exhausting.  I've tried and tried to get them to understand.  I'm probably doing a horrible job explaining how to tell time.  It's really hard when you have two people shoving their papers in your face for you to correct while you're trying to explain how to tell time to someone who is looking off in the distance while you're talking.  Then when you start to walk away, that student says, "Huh? I still don't get it."  UGH!  Why is this so complicated?!

On the plus side, there are no extra activities after school that I need to stick around for.  I still have to finish my lessons for tomorrow.  And I'll probably do my weekly excursion to the grocery store.  Oh, I just remembered.  Today was Crazy Hair Day.  Chances are, I'll forget about my crazy hair and go about my normal business at the library and the grocery store, and then I'll wonder why people are looking funny at me. 

Actually, my hair isn't as crazy as it could be.  I made a super-high pony tail, wound it into a bun, and anchored it with a hair scrunchy I haven't used in about ten years.  Do you remember back when ponytail holders with fake hair on them were all the rage?  Yep, I dug up that dinosaur.  The fake hair still matches my real hair pretty well.  Reactions to the hairdo: One girl said I look like a teenager.  Another said my hair looked pretty.  A 5th grade girl said I look like I'm going to a ball.  So maybe it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for me to go out in public like this!

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