Thursday, February 12, 2015

Class Color Day... Neon

I had to do some digging, but I found clothes to wear for Class Color Day.  By the time the 8th graders got to us, the only color left in the rainbow was yellow and my class doesn't have much yellow clothing.  So we went with neon.  I have a neon yellow cardigan, but nothing else in my closet screams NEON! After picking out fabric yesterday, I hit Walmart thinking they'd have some neon for sure.  Eileen showed me a pin where you take a man's XL shirt and turn it into a dress... intriguing.  So that's what I went with.  Wally World had an orange shirt that seemed like it would work.  I also wanted leggings to wear under the dress so I scoped out the mall.  Ragstock.  Ragstock has tons of bright clothes... lots of neon shirts and skirts... but only one color/kind of neon leggings, pink.  When I tested out my outfit at home, I didn't like the way the leggings looked, so I wore a pair of my dark blue skinny jeans with the rest of the outfit and it turned out fine.  I'll return the leggings the next time I'm in Mankato.  It took a while to wrap the tshirt arms to look the way they're supposed to.  This morning I must've wrapped and rewrapped them at least five times. 

School was fairly uneventful.  In the afternoon, we went to a play put on by MSU students at Nicollet.  It was really good!  Six actors/actresses told the tale of Brer Rabbit and how all his mean tricks caused his friends to ignore him and not want to be his friend anymore.  Then he got in trouble with Sister Crocodile (he got stuck to a honey rabbit and she was about to eat him for lunch!) and his friends helped him get out of trouble. 

On the way there and back, one of the 3rd grade girls saved me a seat.  She was so excited!  Normally this girl doesn't get excited about much, but she was excited to have me sitting with her.  We played rock, paper, scissors on the ride there.  Man, she is good!  When I asked how she got so good, she said she has a little trick that she uses, but she didn't want to give me her secrets!  I tried to figure it out and it's still perplexing me. 

After school, I had two boys make up science labs.  Unfortunately, the labs were different, so they couldn't do them together.  Neither one wanted to actually read the instructions.  One of them actually expected me to tell him everything he had to do!  I gave him a starting point, but then he was on his own.  It was about 4:00 when they left.  Good thing I don't have a ton of things to do for tomorrow.  I was going to plan an art project, but we forgot to decorate our valentine bags (to hold the treats), so maybe we'll just do that and have a catch up day. 

I told them they aren't allowed to leave school tomorrow without having their memory work said, spelling and handwriting handed in.  So hopefully they all study tonight and say it tomorrow. 

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