Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Going Koo Koo

God is so cool.  Here I am after school, sitting at my desk, not wanting to come up with a plan for our students to make cards for the NLSW blanket-making activity or a plan for the Easter greeting cards later that week.  Then I get a phone call.  It's the lady who's helping to spearhead this blanket project.  She had an idea about the encouraging notes to go with the blankets.  Pretty soon the two of us have cooked up a plan that I'm actually excited about... We'll take a group picture on Tuesday and glue it to the front of the card on Thursday.  Inside, we'll have a brief story about what we're doing and why we're doing it (along with the school logo and Thrivent logo, since they're helping fund our endeavor) and a Bible verse.  The kids will glue everything together and decorate the other inside flap of the card... favorite Bible verse, little message, color pictures, etc.  I asked what part of that she wanted me to do... her answer was "nothing".  She's going to take care of it all.  She's even bringing scrapbook paper for the kids to use on them.  Yay!  One less thing on my plate.  Now I only need to think of a way for us to make some Easter greetings for either the nursing home or the hospital...

Our field trip to Nicollet for the Koo Koo Kangaroo group turned out well.  My class got the 15 minutes of recess I promised them a long time ago (although I'm pretty sure I already gave it to them... oh well).  This group has posted videos of themselves dancing/singing on YouTube to use as brain breaks in the classroom (think songs like camp songs, but made up by this duo).  GoNoodle features a lot of their videos, which is how I heard of them.  The guys are from the Twin Cities, to they're even a local group!  We started with a question answer segment... and found out the name was just a random name chosen because it sounds silly.  They kept making jokes and asked the kids who asked questions questions about themselves.  Then we did brain breaks for about 30 minutes.  Some of them we recognized.  One song they wanted the teachers to come up on stage and sing/dance with them... my kids were all pointing to me, trying to get me onstage, but they didn't shove me out in the aisle soon enough and the song started without me on the stage.  Shucks!  You can tell I'm really bummed about that!  Mrs. B's 1st and 2nd graders had better luck; she ended up doing the robot onstage.  All in all, a fun field trip.

The book boxes arrived for the Scholastic Book Fair.  We're setting up the fair tomorrow.  Woohoo!  I wish we had a better spot for it besides the north entryway. 

Today's Lenten meal is spaghetti.  I still have a few things to finish up at school before heading over.  I don't want to go too soon and end up sitting around before church, especially when I can be working at school.  My plan is to head over at about 6:00.

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