Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Slippery Sleet

This whole day has been pretty slippery.  This morning rain was falling on my way to work.  It was at just the right temperature to freeze all over my windshield on my drive.  But I made it to school okay!

Throughout the day we had some snow pellets and some heavy flakes, but I think worse is to come.

After school, after de-icing my car, I went over to church for the Teacher Appreciation "Snack" the Immanuel-ites host every year for the teachers.  They served us pizza, fruit, chocolate, lemonade, and dessert pizza.  No need to cook supper tonight!  Then it was back to school for our faculty meeting.  And there was a new layer of ice on the windshield.  Yay.

It was 6:00 by the time our meeting was over.  Thankfully I don't have a lot to plan for tomorrow.

We did another science lab today, this one was on mixtures.  Do certain things mix?  We found out that a lot of things don't mix.  Our new short tables worked great for individual groups!  Groups had to wash/rinse out test tubes in between mixes, so the tables got pretty wet.  I should get some dishtowels so we don't use so many paper towels. 

The 8th graders (and my 5th and 6th graders) loved looking at the Israeli Barbie my mom gave to me.  One of her coworkers went to Israel on a trip.  A different coworker asked her to bring back a souvenir, so my mom chimed in and said if the lady came across a Barbie, she wouldn't mind seeing one.  It so happened that on a short pit-stop they came across a man selling Barbies!  Their clothes weren't appropriate (for their culture), so the man's wife sewed new clothes for the dolls and taped the packages closed again.  Mom's coworker bought 4 for $12.  She kept one and Mom got the other three (which she doled out to us girls).  The English on the packaging is awful; you can hardly understand what they're trying to say... "Hello! Happy girl, the best gift to give you!" and "Beautiful combination Happy time."  and "Happiness is net how muse you have but your enpact oufou what you have."  Yep.  That's word for word from the box.  Now my class wants to take her out of the box to examine her more closely.  We'll see.

I'm still down two students.  They might be back tomorrow, but I have my doubts.  I got an email from another mom tonight saying her son has a fever/sore throat.  He doesn't surprise me.  He looked off all day.  Hopefully no more are down for the count or we'll have none left! 

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