Friday, March 20, 2015

It's Time for Africa!

Our guest speaker came super early this morning.  He was here at 10:45; we were just finishing up the 6th grade spelling test.  He apologized for being here so early, but it was no big deal.  He set his stuff up on the lab table while we kept doing Daily 5.  Then he showed the 5th and 6th graders the artifacts he'd brought.  Oh, they were so impressed!  They had a ton of questions for him.  I was wrong in my guess of 20 years in Africa... turns out he was only there for five.  He and his wife spent about two years in Kenya and then three in Nigeria.  She kept the books for five countries in Africa, passing out money to the places that needed it.

Missionary Jerry hung around until lunchtime, ate lunch with us, and hung out at recess.  I really wonder what was going through his head... there was an incident in the lunch line.  You'd think for once my class would stand like they're supposed to, nice and friendly, while I wash my hands and mark down the lunch count.  Nope.  Not possible.  One of the 5th graders got stabbed in the stomach with a fork.  We're still not sure if the other individual stabbed with her fork or if she shoved him and he stabbed himself with the fork.  Either way, the student had a red fork mark in the middle of his stomach.  Sigh.

My class was in uproar because the 1st and 2nd grade teacher took forever to go to lunch and we had to take basketball team pictures right in the middle of recess (so our two Good Shepherd players could be in the pictures without missing school).  They were a bit mollified by my assurance that Mr. E and I were working on a way for them to get more noon recess.

The 8th graders were quiet in class, as per usual.  They don't think of many questions for our guest speakers.  Once we looked at the artifacts, they seemed to get a little more involved.  Men of the tribes in Kenya carry a stick called a "rangu" to protect the women.  The one Missionary Jerry had was beaded and was quite hefty.  One of the 8th graders loved it and said she was going to ask for one for her birthday.

We ended our day with a little bit of Mystery Class, a little bit of art (making booklets to go with the Project Linus blankets), and a little bit of recess.  A few of my kids were frustrated because I made them finish their science labs before going outside.  But hey, it's due today and the quarter ends.  It needs to get turned in.

So, now we're finally after school on Friday.  No school Monday.  Six school days before Easter break.  I hope everyone has a chance to relax and cool down (or run around outside to get rid of some energy!) this weekend so they can focus this week at school!  Myself included!

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