Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Busy, Busy

Oh this day has been so crazy!!!

This morning we still had to set the place settings on all the tables for the noon meal.  My class set out cups, plates, and forks. We couldn't find napkins, but once the cooks arrived we took care of setting those out.  Then we moved the piano out and tried to plug it in.  Unfortunately, the cord/piano are broken and it wouldn't turn on.  So on to plan B... we had to move Mr. E's heavy piano from his room to the gym.  Then there was no screen set up for the science museum presenter, and they needed one, so Mr. D and I were trying to figure out if the IT guys just hadn't come, or if they were coming later.  It turns out the science museum just brought their own screen.  Whew! This stuff doesn't seem like a lot when I type it, but in the moment it felt like there was a million things happening!

To top it off, I had two grandparents show up at school thinking it was VIP day and they were supposed to hang out in our classrooms until chapel.  Oops. Not today. Chapel was at 10:45. I offered to let them stay, but they declined.  And they never came back at 10:45.  Bummer.

More stress got added to the day when I found out a 5th grader and a 7th grader were sick today and wouldn't be playing bells with us at the Lenten service.  The song we're doing this time includes the 5th graders playing tone chimes, so we have no substitutes.  At least we knew about them ahead of time so we could adjust the bell parts.  No one else can get sick between now and then!!! We're spread as thin as we can go!  Practice at church went okay.  I think we'll sound all right.

Uncle Robert was our guest pastor for chapel.  He had to do some rearranging of his schedule so he could make it to us on time (his church has a morning Lenten service).  But the timing was good and everyone enjoyed his message.  He stayed for lunch too, so I actually had someone to sit by for once!  Then came the science museum speaker.  He talked about solids, liquids, and gases and showed us stuff with liquid nitrogen and dry ice.  I'm sure my students will be begging to get dry ice now...  We actually saw that same presentation a few years ago at another school, but the demonstrations were cool enough that if anyone remembered them, they probably didn't mind seeing them again.

After the speaker, my class took down the tables/chairs and put them in their rightful places.  We went to church to set up for bells, came back for five minutes of recess, did the all-school Fine Arts Fair dress rehearsal, and had ten more minutes of recess before packing up to go home.  Now it's the waiting game until the Lenten supper starts.

Tomorrow is Duct Tape/Fake Injury Day.  I'm not sure what I should wear.  I want to wear my orange Under Armour sweatshirt, so maybe I'll slap some duct tape on it somewhere.  Or I could put band-aids all over... hmm... I'll have to think on that.

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