Thursday, March 3, 2016


This is going to be short because I have to be in Mankato for a book talk at 5:00... we had a faculty meeting right after school so I've been in a rush to get all my putzy things done before I have to leave.

Last night's Lenten supper went well.  We made $391 for next year's trip to Camp Omega.  All my helpers showed up too!  We barely had enough chicken for the fajitas... I didn't get any and neither did most of the parents, but all the "paying customers" did.

I love watching my kids serve the food. They're all worried about getting it right and the people eating are happy to see them helping out.  One of the 6th graders was serving the tortilla shells we had heating in a crockpot.  First they were sticking together because they were too warm. Then we used all of them and the new ones we put in weren't warm enough for his taste.  I caught him holding a tortilla against the warm side of the crockpot, trying to heat it up!  "They're ice cold Miss H! We can't serve these!"

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