Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Lenten Supper

My kids are back to being crazy again. 

Some of it is caused by all the presidential candidate hullaballoo.  One of the 6th graders was sick yesterday and missed our discussion of the candidates, so today the other 6th grade boys were interviewing him to see what he thought.  And when his thoughts didn't match up with theirs, they chanted, "Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump!" Yesterday one of those same boys made a sign out of a ruler and a piece of paper that said "Trump" and stuck it between the desks so it'd stick up all day.

We did have some really good discussion about each of the candidates (with the 5th and 6th graders and the 7th graders too).  We're learning about the three branches of government and checks/balances, so it fits in the curriculum very well.  Last night I went to a caucus for the first time.  It was neat!  There weren't very many people at the caucus.  A few stood up and spoke for a candidate, but not that many.  I wish there would've been more.  Cruz won our caucus with Rubio taking second and Trump taking third.

On a completely different note, tonight my class is serving the Lenten supper at church.  We're serving chicken fajitas, rice, fresh fruit, chicken soup, and bars.  About half the class is sticking around afterward to help set up.  I don't think it will take very long, so I'll have to find things for them to do between set up and serving time... homework perhaps?

Today was read across America day.  To celebrate, the whole school went into the gym and read for 15 minutes after chapel.  I brought a book from home.  It was lovely.  I wish we could've spent more time reading... but then again, I always do!

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