Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Feed the Teacher

I didn't forget my sack lunch today!  I survived on a pb/j sandwich, string cheese, and carrots/celery.  The field trip was fun!  And educational.

The first session I went to was about writing scary stories... not something I'm too fond of, but a lot of my kiddos were going there, so I went too.  The speaker was not that great at public speaking.  He did tell some good stories (creepy and suspenseful, but not too scary for me).  The second session was better.  I went to an observational drawing class.  The speaker had us practice drawing lines of varying shades.  Then we had to draw our hand without looking at the paper... kind of use our eye as the pencil.  The best way was to keep our pencil moving the same speed so the proportions would be even.  After that, he had us put a hand behind our back and he put an object in it.  We had to draw it without looking, just based on touch.  That one was super fun!  I got a lot of art ideas from that session.  Then it was lunch in the gym.  They gave us time to look at the book sale/get author autographs.  I hadn't planned on buying any books but... I found one on my to-buy list (a collection of fairy tales from the antagonist's point of view) and one by the main speaker (to add a "Minnesota author" book to our library... it's about Paul Bunyan).  Then two of the 5th graders came with me to get it autographed.  Hopefully someone in my class reads it!

The last session was "Design-a-Saurus" taught by Scott Rolfs.  He's illustrated cereal boxes, coloring books, etc. and he's very good at drawing.  He gave us a tutorial and then let us draw pretty much the rest of the session.  I drew some pretty neat looking dinosaurs!  One of the mom chaperones had the brilliant idea to have a dinosaur drawing contest at school and have everyone vote on their favorites at the spring carnival. We have a PTL meeting tonight, so she's going to bring it up there.

We got back to school in time to make Easter greeting cards for church.  Then my kids were so wound up we went out for recess.  After school we set up tables/chairs for the NLSW dinner tomorrow.  Miss N brought real tablecloths from home, courtesy of her mom.  They were huge! So we had to fold them in half so they didn't drag on the floor.

Now it's waiting for the PTL meeting to start.  I got a text from a parent in charge of cleaning the gym.  They were supposed to do it over the weekend to make the gym spiffy for our dinner tomorrow, but the parent said they're coming tonight to do it and is there a list of things to clean?  Well... it's going to be hard to clean with all the tables set up.

As I was sitting at my desk, working on stuff, one of the 6th graders came in.  He'd stayed after to help set up and his deal with Mr. E is that Mr. E cooks him supper when he helps after school... bacon cheeseburgers.  Well, this kid asked if I liked bacon cheeseburgers and if I'd ever had one before.  And then he handed me one! Mr. E made him three and he only ate two.  And he said he always gets them, so he'd share with me since I don't get them ever.  A few minutes later he handed me some bacon leftover from his thank-you supper.  The extra funny thing is that this same kid was also sharing his Girl Scout cookies with me on the ride to and from the field trip!

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