Friday, March 11, 2016


Annnd, the week is over! Almost.  We still have the Fine Arts Fair tomorrow.  I think everyone knows where they need to go and when they need to be there... My hand bell choir is second in the program tomorrow, so we'll play shortly after 11:00am.  I need to be there much earlier to drop off the science fair projects.  They're judged at 9:00, so my plan is to set them up around 8:30.

Everyone turned theirs in today!  Well, most people followed the deadline and had theirs in yesterday like they were supposed to.  A few students forgot their written report and brought them in today.  One kid had his board dropped off last night and when I looked at it this morning, there were no words! Only pictures and his graphs.  He didn't have his written report either and said it was on his mom's laptop at home.  His mom came at the end of the day with a fistful of his notes.  Turns out, he'd been telling his mom he was working on the report at school!  So she made him sit at school and type his notes until the report was finished.

Honestly, I'm a little scared to see how we do at the science fair.  There are so many kids who are missing pieces of the project!  Did they even read the packet I gave them???  I'm not sure what else I can do to help them.  But, it is what it is.  Some of the projects are super cool.  One girl tested which liquid lets roses last the longest... sweetened lemonade!  Copper water makes them droop right away.  Sugar water is not much better.  I think baking soda was the other water she used and that one did okay too.  Another kid tested which surface a basketball bounces on best (hardwood floor beats concrete and carpeting).  A 6th grader did which color absorbs heat the fastest.  In her experiment, orange was the surprising winner!  Black was also close to the top.  She had a ton of data in her report.

So not all of them are incomplete.  Maybe we'll do better than I'm predicting.  Only time will tell!

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