Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Fashion Disaster Day

I'm writing this post from a computer at the library... my computer's internet was not working, so I left school 'early' to run errands/do my internet stuff.  Highly annoying not having the computer work.

Today's 'Fashion Disaster Day' was a rousing success.  So many students laughed when they saw me!  I even got some parents (picking up their kids at the end of the day) to smile.  I was a bit confused when they did that, and then I remembered what I was wearing.  Here's a picture for those of you who weren't at school:
Woo! I definitely made some people do a double-take when they saw me.  Don't worry, I brought clothes to change into for running errands.

My kiddos were rambunctious today.  The 5th graders especially got into a downward spiral of saying mean things to each other and then retaliating and retaliating and retaliating.  Grr... nothing I said made them stop.  Eventually, I gave a kid some sentences (a Bible verse about respect).  Actually, yesterday I gave a kid sentences too.  They both had to finish them during afternoon recess. One of them was sneaky and did this:

Yep, she drew lines down the page so she could make fewer marks to write her sentences.  I let it go this time (points for creativity!) but told her next time (if there was a next time), she would have to redo them if she did it like that again.  

I didn't get any more InCoWriMo letters at school today, but last night I got four more when I got home!  I literally bounced from my mailbox to my apartment and then bounced some more while I made supper.  Hooray for mail! I had a book due at the library today that I had to finish reading, so I only responded to one of those people so far, but I plan to write a bunch tonight.  The people writing to me were from New Hampshire, England (UK), South Carolina, and one more I can't remember... Maybe I'll have more mail waiting for me when I get home tonight too!

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