Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Weather Buzz

The whole school has been abuzz about the storm expected this Thursday night into Friday... anywhere between 10-20 inches of snow is predicted for us.  Gross.  Well, the snow lovers are excited! The boys' basketball team, not so much; the state tournament is this weekend.  So far, the guys in charge up there said, 'come early so you don't get stuck in the weather.'  Huh. Do they want us to all skip school or something??? 

I stocked up on books at the library and got groceries last night, so I should be all set if we do get the forecast blizzard.  Parents and students have been asking me what will happen if school is cancelled on Friday, spelling/handwriting/memory-wise.  I told all my kiddos to try to say their memory work tomorrow and just get it done so they don't have to worry about it.  Handwriting I think most of them could finish by tomorrow (though that's not a big deal if it doesn't get handed in until next week).  Their spelling packets are due tomorrow anyway, so the test is the biggest thing to get pushed off.  I had thought, "Oh, we'll just do it Monday, no big deal." But we're going to the state capitol on Monday! So we'd have to do it Tuesday.  And then take another spelling test a few days later on Friday.  Hmm, not the best timeline.  But I guess we'll have to live with it!

So many things are coming up... and they're just far enough away for me to think, "Oh, I've got plenty of time!" But they're coming sooner than I think: midterm grades, Young Writers and Artists Conference, National Lutheran Schools Week, Lenten suppers/bells/singing, Fine Arts Fair, science fair projects due, art projects due... yikes!!! Maybe a snow day would be a good thing?

I found out that the library has two internet 'hotspots' patrons can check out so they can have internet anywhere.  I thought about getting one for a week, but ended up deciding not to.  Now I kind of wish I had, especially if we don't have school Friday.  I could enter all my grades online from the comfort of my home!  Shucks!  Hindsight is always 20/20.

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