Thursday, September 7, 2017

Joe Outside

Remember the group of 1st and 2nd grade cheerleaders from a number of years ago? The ones who practiced in my room and were in love with Joe?  The ones who played 'hide and seek' with him and wanted to put him on different book shelves as a hiding spot?  Those girls are now my 5th graders.  And they still love Joe.

I have a birthday balloon on my desk from my birthday way back in April last year.  Yeah, the helium is still in it.  Since it's in the mid 70s today, we thought it would be a good idea to take Joe outside with the balloon tied around his waist (so we wouldn't lose him).

It was a little windy, so the balloon blew all over the place.

Joe didn't move much, probably because the ribbon tugged at him and the balloon cast shadows and bounced closer and further away.  Eventually when he did walk, he slipped right out of the loop we'd tied.  So we put the balloon back in the room and let Joe wander free under my eagle eye.  Eventually, some of the 5th grade girls came and supervised him.  They put him on the pearock, then the sand, then the grass, to see if he would move more on the different surfaces.  He moved fast on all of them except the grass!

When he was on the pearock, he found the bin/bench thing where all the construction toys are kept.  There was a crack about 3-4 inches wide and he crammed himself in!  He had to turn sideways to do it, but he made it.  The girls pulled him out and put him on the sand where he still tried to make it to cover.  On the grass, he didn't move fast enough for them, so they moved him to the playground again.  It was just like cheerleading practice all those years ago... "Let's see if Joe will walk on this! Oh wait, no, that's a bad idea.  Let's try this!"  Pretty soon they moved on to playing house, "Okay, let's pretend Joe is my pet!  And I have to buy him from the pet store!"  They scanned him with the checkout beeper and his new owner took him home.  The girls were petting him and cuddling him... it was crazy.  Next week is supposed to be nice/hot too, so maybe we'll take him out again!

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