Thursday, September 14, 2017


Guess what. I forgot Joe's food again.  Poor guy.  The girls went out and picked grass for him, so he didn't starve today.  Okay, I gotta remember for tomorrow!!!  I wrote myself a note, so it's promising...

I feel like I got caught up on a bunch of things today.  My Camp Omega note went home, the Focusing Folders got made (cutting the giant cardboard down to size and writing 'Focusing Folder' on the outside), my desk is somewhat cleared off, my classroom is tidy, and the bell gloves are out so someone can match them up tomorrow morning (people haven't been folding them together when they're finished so the gloves are all loose and it's hard to find a match).

We were going to do FAST testing today, but religion went long which meant that read-aloud went over, which meant DOL went over, and I almost got back on track, but then I gave them more writing time (they were super into their projects!), so we started Daily 5 late and decided to wait until next week to do our FAST tests.

My book orders came in last night, so I got to do 'book commercials' for my kiddos.  Gosh, I love those 5th graders.  Every book they were like, "Oooo! I want to read that one! I can't wait!" And then they wrote them in their reading notebooks.  Even the 6th graders got excited about these books.  One we're saving to read-aloud (the third Bowser and Birdie book... we read the first two last year).  Another the 7-8th graders want to read aloud.  Actually, it's just one boy.  Last night two 8th grade boys brought the box down to my room (I was in the office doing something so I told them to drop it off). They asked if I wanted them to open it for me, so I said sure.  It turns out they just wanted to see which books I ordered!  By the time I got back to my room, the books were laid out on the table and the boys were looking through them.

The meetings last night went late, as expected.  I didn't get home until 9:40.  So I'm leaving school 'early' today.  I have a big pile of correcting to do, but hopefully I'll have time to read a bit and work on freelance lessons a bit too.  The bookmobile came for the first time this year, and I checked out a few movies... hopefully I have time to watch them!  I avoided looking at the books since I have so many waiting for me at home...  Maybe this weekend I can catch up!

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