Tuesday, November 5, 2019


My 5-6th graders did their first Kahoot today! They LOVED it. I loved it because they were so into it, and everyone was paying attention. We're totally doing more of them.

Kahoot is a website that lets teachers make multiple choice quizzes for their students (or anybody) to take at the same time. One question is shown on the board at a time, they pick their answer, and the right answer is shown once everyone has answered. They earn points for getting the right answer, getting a bunch right in a row, and for answering the fastest. The game keeps track of who answers the fastest/gets the most points so you can see which person/team is in first, second, third, etc. as you play. There are options to play each person has his/her own device or as a team, where you confer as a group and then answer the question.

The bell songs are coming along nicely, so we only went through each song twice. Afterwards, I had the 7-8th graders and 6th graders do a Thanksgiving Kahoot quiz. The 6th graders picked it up pretty quickly. They only made it halfway through the quiz, but we didn't have that much to do for 5-6th grade social studies, so we finished our powerpoint, then divided into teams and redid the Thanksgiving Kahoot. Each team had a 6th grader so their prior knowledge of the quiz wouldn't give anyone a super huge advantage. The teams worked really well together, so we might just keep them!

Now that I know how quick it is to do it in teams (we only have four easy to grab devices), we might be able to squeeze in a Kahoot before lunch every once in a while.

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