Friday, November 1, 2019

Fall Carnival

I did not drink enough water today... I only refilled my desk cup once, normally I do it at least twice, if not three times during the day. I was on a roll trying to get my kids to hand stuff in so they could do the carnival. They were all able to do it! Everyone got their names off the board for both Mr. E and me! I made deals with two kids (the out of control ones yesterday) that if they got their other work done, they could finish saying their memory work Tuesday (end of the quarter, no school Monday). So technically I have two kids who need to say their hymn verse memory work, but aside from that we're all caught up!

The carnival went well. The other classes had a good time. I dressed up as a chef because I wasn't feeling too inspired: I just put on my jalapeno apron and was good to go. Lots of kids liked it!

Mr. and Mrs. E's middle daughter is home from California for a while. She was my cousin's RA at Bethany, so I got to know her a bit in college. She came over to school to hang out with her parents and see all the students, which gave us a little time to catch up during the carnival.

Now I'm loading things up for the long weekend! I'm going to visit my sister down in Iowa, so my goal is to do my grades tomorrow morning before I leave. It's also the first day of November, aka NaNo kick off, so I need to write my words for today still. I quick wrote 50ish while the 7-8th graders took their spelling test! Only need 950 more to meet today's goal!

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