Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Last week Thursday we had school cancelled due to the extreme cold weather. No school on Friday (already planned as a teacher workday) and no school on Monday (Presidents Day) made it a nice long weekend! I read a bunch of books, got caught up on some tidying in my apartment, and spent time with a friend celebrating her birthday.

I figured my kiddos would be wound up after the break, so I scheduled our class movie prize for today so it didn't matter so much if they couldn't focus. They actually did better than I expected. We did a few Daily 5 rounds before watching the movie so they could get caught up on last week's spelling, handwriting, and memory. I met with spelling groups to go over this week's spelling instructions. Like I said, they did okay.

However, once the movie started, most of them couldn't settle down and watch in peace. I had boys wanting to talk to each other, wander around the room, change where they were sitting... it was distracting. One boy straight up said, "Miss H, this movie is so boring. Nothing is happening!" (It was Treasure Planet). I told him he didn't have to watch it; he could read his book in our classroom or Mr. E's room if he wanted to instead. I noticed that even though he got his book out to read, he ended up watching the movie. Of course, right after he said that we hit the climax, so it did get more exciting. Sigh. This is why we don't watch movies more often.

Since we didn't have school on Valentine's Day, we traded treats today. Some kids forgot to bring theirs, so they'll share tomorrow. One boy gave me a giant heart box of chocolates. Another one (one of my challenges) gave me Lindor truffles. Yum! I won't say no to chocolate! How sweet they thought of me. :)

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