Thursday, February 6, 2020

What a Day

Not gonna sugar coat it... today was a rough one. I chased so many of my kids back into my classroom! It will not surprise you to learn they were in the gym. Mr. E even had a chat with them at the beginning of the day. Sigh. Even the 7-8th graders gave me a hard time; they were so catty and on each other’s case about everything. My theory is a combination of full moon on Sunday, last week of basketball/home basketball tournament tomorrow, potentially strong storm system moving in, and being tired out from late nights.

Not every part of the day was rough. We actually had a good beginning and a decent middle. It was just part of the middle and the end that were so exhausting. I’m trying to help them get all their work done before tomorrow (I told my kids they have to have everything done before they get to play basketball in the tournament). The two kids with the most to do were not having it. They pitched such a fit over doing their work!

The end of the day featured kids who didn’t do their end of the day jobs, so I had to harp on them. A grandma who had to bring her granddaughter to the away game was breathing down my neck to pick up the pace so they could leave. I’m afraid my tone of voice was a little testy with her as I assured her we were doing our best to wrap it up. Her granddaughter actually apologized to me after the prayer on behalf of her grandma. “She gets anxious about getting to the game on time,” she said. Well, I certainly can understand that. Please pray for patience and focus for tomorrow! For me and my kids!

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