Wednesday, May 6, 2020


My to-do list has exploded... We had a virtual PTL meeting tonight and this afternoon I had a virtual library summer reading program planning meeting. Both are meetings that generate a lot of tasks! But, I feel good about all that we accomplished.

A bunch of kids said memory work today. It was a pleasant surprise because they normally wait until Friday. Another bunch said they are working ahead on handwriting and spelling so they can be done for the year. I'm happy about that because I'll get their papers sooner (we have a drop day this Friday) and can correct them without such a time crunch.

My classroom is getting a bit messy. With no kids to clean up for, I find myself leaving things on tables to put away later. The piles are stacking up! Maybe tomorrow I will spend time putting things away. I also need to clean out each of their desks and sort out what things belong to them vs. the school (and collect all the flotsam in the coatroom for parents to sort through). I'll need to take down all the decorations too. Normally my kids help with all that stuff. It's going to be a lonely job when I get around to it.

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