Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Computer Troubles

 Don't worry, my computer troubles today weren't nearly as bad as they've been in the past. And, better news, they all got fixed rather quickly! 

The IT guys came to school last night and gave me a new desktop computer. Hooray! Though, I'm not actually sold on it yet. It's a nice big screen, but it's so big it blocks my view of the window. And I have to rearrange a few things on my desk now... Change can be hard! It's not that bad though. The part that was driving me crazy was the two inches of black space on both sides of the screen. The monitor is so large, all the space should be used! Thankfully our IT guy got back to me before the end of the day and gave me the info on how to make it fill the screen. Now it stretches from edge to edge! It's a lot brighter than my other computer, so that's an adjustment. I hope it won't give me a headache. I adjusted the dimness just now; we'll see if that helps.

Since the kids aren't supposed to change classrooms, today was my second day teaching in Mr. E's room. Boy that is strange. He doesn't have an interactive board, so everything is projected on the wall and I have to go back and forth between the podium and his computer to click links. Then, I couldn't figure out how to make the sound work. Thankfully, the videos didn't need sound I wanted to show didn't need sound and I was able to teach the lesson without it. Mr. E showed me how to get the sound to work after he came back from math... it was muted on his desktop! Ugh. I should've checked there first. Easy fix!

The weather was drippy today, but it stopped long enough for my class to have afternoon recess outside. We played four square and had a blast. Perfect game for six people! (One was absent today for appointments, but I played). I'm guessing we'll be playing a lot of that this year. Good thing it's a fun game!

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