Thursday, September 17, 2020

Off on a Tangent

 Man, we covered a lot of topics today! We didn't get through as much material as I thought we would, but our discussions were fantastic! They have questions (and opinions) about so many things; they truly are a joy to teach. And I'm always up for a sidetrack as long as it's educational and somewhat related to the topic. 😄

We had art today and our project of the week is to make cards for our marine and the nursing home residents. A few have picked out microwave recipes to send along. One wanted to know if hot cocoa mix was okay to send. I looked it up and found a whole list of restricted items (or items that might be restricted). Did you know shipping a washer or dryer to Japan might be restricted? There were a bunch of other strange things on the list too. There was a side note to the website that said 'your package might not be shipped if it contains...', so maybe there's a chance it could still be shipped? I need to do more research.

Joe was pretty restless today, so we let him loose for his 'daily walk'. One of the fifth graders has decided to adopt Joe as his personal responsibility and makes sure we give him exercise every day. He's so small it's easy to lose track of him. For a while, Joe hid under my desk. We wrote a note on the board as a reminder that he was loose and told everyone to keep the door closed. 

At lunchtime, one of the girls found him in the coatroom! He must've crawled under the printer and somehow wedged himself past the garbage can and out the door. The sneaky sneaker. Thankfully we realized he was out there before he made it to the gym (although everyone went outside for recess today, so at least he wouldn't have to worry about stomping feet).

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