Monday, September 21, 2020


We were all a little droopy today.  Everyone was tired from the weekend. One good thing about the masks is that no one can see your yawns! 

Another thing adding to the droopiness was the FAST standardized tests. We do them on the computer three times a year to see where the students are (and if they're learning). Last spring we skipped them due to covid. My poor kids get so worked about about these things. I kept stressing that it's just a snapshot of one day; it doesn't go in the gradebook. The test is more for me than it is for them... But it doesn't sink in for some of them. 

We did one test today and will do one tomorrow (it's only reading and math; I let them pick which one they did today). Afterwards I let them take a brain break: run laps, color, stretch. They seemed pretty zonked, even with the brain break. 

Afternoon recess was GaGa Ball today. We did 4-square at noon recess. Non-PE days seem to have this rotation. I still can't believe how well these kiddos get along. They were taking turns winning at GaGa Ball, some of them specifically getting themselves out so the less athletic kids could win. And giving them pointers to play better too! 

I've been playing the games with them since we have so few people (and the games are fun), but by the afternoon I've been standing all day and my feet are tired, so I'm more likely to sit out for a while before playing. I sat on the edge of the GaGa Ball pit doing just that when one of the 5th graders asked me, "Are you going to play with us Miss H? I mean, your feet must be tired from standing all day, so maybe you can play after you take a break." Such a sweet kid! 

The weather was gorgeous today and should be all week. Even better, we don't have school Friday as a teacher 'work' day. And by 'work' day, it means the teachers choose if they go in to work at school at all. As for me, I'm going to take a mental health day and go visit my sisters!

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