Thursday, November 12, 2020

Day 2 Virtual

 Another day much like yesterday. The 7-8th graders were a little more with it today. The 5-6th graders had a little more troubleshooting to work through. 

Two 5-6th graders are making a powerpoint together and couldn't figure out how to let the other person access/edit it. So we spent 20 minutes figuring out how to give him access. We did figure it out eventually! We would've gotten it sooner, but the internet was super laggy. 

My class and I like to blame it on the weather. It snowed most of the morning, about an inch or so, nothing major. Mr. E thought there maybe was an accident on Hwy 14 since there were so many cars on our road outside school. Sometimes, the police use our road as a detour when they don't want people driving on 14. 

NaNos are going all right. It's going to be a lot harder to keep my kids going on their stories. I'm slowly getting caught up... I'm about 4,500 behind, but I haven't written any words yet today. Since school gets out earlier when we learn remotely, I've had more time to write (and read too!). I wonder how many words I'll write tonight...

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