Friday, November 6, 2020

Lost has been found!

 I found my library card two minutes ago! It was in my purse, tucked in the back of my checkbook where I 'wouldn't lose it.' I had flipped through my checkbook when I searched my purse, except I hadn't looked in the back since I never put any cards there. Ha!

I didn't get caught up on my NaNo yesterday... I didn't even write 1,000 words. I tried writing before bed and I had written about 700 when my eyes got droopy. I think I fell asleep while typing! My story didn't make sense at all! 

I was at the part in my story where Kate (13 year old girl) is getting tools to help her in her new job from Millie, an old lady. Here's the last two paragraphs of my story:

Millie had lost interest in me and my cloak shennanigans and had resumed floundering around in the armoire. 

"Aha!" came the disembodied voice from the trunk. Her bottom half dangled out the opening of the wide trunk I'd brought with me. Mom had no use for it and she thought it would brighten the place up. I didn't care about furniture. They could have used the land for the 

Kate didn't bring a trunk with her. Millie should be digging around in the armoire. The mom knows nothing about this new job. I'm not sure why Kate doesn't care about furniture; that doesn't have anything to do with the story... And the half finished sentence about the land? I remember from my half-sleeping brain thinking to finish the sentence with something about giving it to the church so they could build another building on it. That's when I realized I was making no sense anymore and I shut my computer down and went to bed! Yikes!

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