Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Pivot Day

 We're having a "Pivot Day" today, which is where students get the day off while teachers prep to switch from in person to virtual learning. Yep. Immanuel is going virtual for two weeks. Right now we're scheduled to come back the Monday before Thanksgiving, but that's subject to change. It seems a bit silly to have in person school for two days before having a bunch of days off school. There are a few parents who want us to go virtual from now until January since so many people will be seeing family over Thanksgiving/Christmas. Time will tell.

Now I'm wondering how we're going to accomplish the Christmas program... but that hurdle can wait. For now, my focus is on getting things ready for distance learning. Half of my kids picked up their crates yesterday. I put the other half down at the north end of the building where we do pick up/drop off of materials. I printed things we'll probably need in the next two weeks and either put them in crates or made packets. 

We were supposed to have a virtual guest speaker today and since I didn't want to postpone/reschedule it, I made my kiddos tune in. That made my day a little crazy since I had to make sure I was online at the right times, but I'm glad we did it. 11-11:30 for the 5-6th graders and 12:30-1:30 for the 7-8th graders.

It was so nice to be able to sleep in a little bit! Since I knew a storm was coming later today, I ran my errands before coming out to school so that as soon as I'm done here I can go home. I'm glad I did! The snow is starting to come down hard. I'll bring all my stuff home so if I want I can teach from my apartment tomorrow. But, I'll probably come in to school. Pastor asked Mr. E if I could help him get set up for confirmation class, so it would be good for me to be here at school if he has questions.

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