Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Fake Powerpoint

 Waaay fewer tech issues today, thankfully. It was a pretty typical virtual learning day. A bunch of my kids wanted to know if we're coming back to school in person; I still don't have an answer for them. The 5-6th graders learned about the civil war and towards the end we had a discussion about the confederate flag... that was interesting. I have students on completely opposite sides of the issue. Thankfully, we were able to keep it neutral and explain both sides' points of view kindly. 

Read aloud was extra fun today! (When is it not?) There are a bunch of unfamiliar objects mentioned in the story since it's historical fiction, so I just pick a student (or one volunteers) to search for pictures of the things mentioned. We learned that savory is a kind of herb. Hoe cakes are basically smallish pancakes or johnnycakes. There were banks back in 1793, but there was a run on the bank that year (maybe cause by the fever??? we're still debating that) and people didn't always trust them. Pepperpot is a kind of soup, hot corn is a dish of seasoned corn you can eat, and a mangle is a thing to wring water out of clothes. There were so many pictures in the chat, my students said it was just like doing a powerpoint! I love it.

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