Tuesday, November 3, 2020

I Voted

I wore my "I Voted" sticker to school today. I voted absentee and was thrilled they included a sticker for me to wear on election day. 

My kids spent read aloud time building a fort out of poles and connector balls. They've explored them since last week, and almost every day the design changes. Two other students have similar poles/balls at home and are bringing them tomorrow so they can make a really big fort. They asked if they could take down the white folding table so there's more room to build. I have a few blankets in my room they've been draping over the top to make it more like a building. Now they want me to bring more blankets and pillows to make an even bigger fort. Eh, probably not. 

We had a staff meeting after school today... shortest one of the year! It was only about 45 minutes long. Yesterday Mrs. L and I met to go over the Christmas program and sort out parts, so we went over the basic plan at our meeting. Everyone seemed to think the plan sounds good. Now we just need to find someone to film it and link the videos together... 

My nano is going better than it was yesterday. I didn't write any more words yesterday, but this morning I wrote 300! Still lots more to go, but I should have more time after I get home tonight. My friend K and I are going out for supper. Every year in November the New Ulm legion gives teachers/school workers a free burger basket one Tuesday night. She works in the office at a school, so we both eat free! Woohoo!

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