Tuesday, January 19, 2021

It's Alive!

The little slimes are growing! Well, a few of them have grown tendrils. A few just have a halo of yellow around the sclerotium. The one girl who was so gung ho about growing them unfortunately had one of the halo ones. She was so disappointed hers wasn't taking off fast!

My 5-6th graders tried to make a bunch of deals with me (especially after math), but I wasn't feeling it today. First, they wanted extra read-aloud time (when do they not???), but that didn't work because we finished our current book and picked out a new one for tomorrow. 

They were going to try making a deal for English, but didn't because we were trying out an activity from the read-aloud book... telling a story in three word sentences. That was pretty hard for them, so we switched to saying just one word at a time. That was still tricky, until one had the idea that I should type what they were saying on the board so they could read what else was in the story. Eh, they did okay after that. The sentences made sense, but the sentences strung together were a little strange... 

After math they wanted to make a deal to do spanish vocab instead of art. Nope. Then they wanted to make a deal about recess instead of doing dance for PE. Nope. We gotta do dance. Sigh. They weren't too happy about that. I told them they only have two more days of dance PE. One of the boys said, "Well, we may as well do them. Otherwise if we keep putting it off we'll just have to do it in the spring when it's nice outside!" They'd much rather have Mr. E teach them hockey or basketball. Too bad; they just have Miss H. We reviewed the electric slide and cotton eyed Joe. They remembered more than I thought they would. It's hard to tell if some of them just don't care enough to do it right or if they're just not gifted with rhythm. 

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